Another very exciting development!
Canadian Bushplane Heritage Center has agreed to keep someone around for us just in case our late afternoon visit runs a little over their closing time of 6 pm on Saturday. They're also going to provide a tour guide. Admission fee is $10.50 for adults, $9.50 for those over 55. I'm going to see if we can get a group deal.
I slid in the suggestion of getting a picture of the cars with one of their aircraft. I included a pic of a Cobra of course. After his initial reply of, "Wow! I want one!" He said pictures would not be a problem and then asked if we would mind pulling a car INTO THE HANGER beside one of the planes!
They're stoked for this for sure. Enough so that they've asked if we mind if they invite the press! It's not often that we see a group of cars like this around here.
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