Originally Posted by FUNFER2
Hey buddy, I'm curious. Why did you not use studs rather than bolts from the start ? If this question has already been asked, I apologize, I'm too lazy to read 17 pages.
(it was great talking with you today)
Good talking with you too!
I didn't know about the stud requirement for the Pond block, nobody told me. I already had a set of almost new ARP head bolts so I reused them. As they say, hind sight's 20/20.
If you are going to run any aluminum block FE motor you might as well plan on running studs. The Shelby block's studs are set deeper in the block than Pond's. The Shelby studs are 75% more $$ that the Pond's studs.
I'm not really thrilled about the negative aspects of studs either... I do think they give better clamp though.
Ain't you glad now that you're going with Genesis Kev??