car4jim Jim I have been a mechanic for over 35 years. Have seen alot of failures of motors that are not assemblied correctly. I am going to give you a basic setup to work with.
I am not a fan of right stuff. Over time it losses it's ability to hold gaskets in location. They are called heat cycles. Aluminum expands faster and greated than iron. I have 2 shelby blocks. One I have been racing for 13 years, the other is being built next year. I have not lost a head gasket or intake gasket due to walking of parts. I am going to asume that the angles of the block, heads, and intake are all close.
Here is what and how I do when setting up an intake on my motor,
Start with the gaskets, place them on the heads and check for ALL holes lining up to the heads and intake manifold. The
oil returns on most motors need to be trimmed with 1246 gasket for full flow back to the motor. High speed deremel tools works the best with file for me 24,000 rpm. After this is done, I spray on 2 coats of Hi-Tac on the gaskets and let dry over night. Next day put on intake manifold, you need another person to set it on evenly. I use the distributor for alignment on to the heads. Use gray RTV sealer on both ends of the block to seal motor instead of cork strips. Give sealer about 2-4 minutes to setup. A also put a VERY thin coat of sealer on both sides of the intake gasket around coolant passages and let set for 1 minute. Install intake gasket and then manifold. Drop in distributor. Install all 4 corner bolts and just leave about 2-3 threads showing on them. Make sure the gasket is not slipping from location you installed it at. Start in the middle of the manifold and take the bolts down to 10-15 ft pounds of torque. There is a tightening pattern, follow it. Increase to 25 ft pounds, then 35. Let motor sit over night for sealer to cure. Check the next day for firmness of RTV. I also mark the gasket edges and the heads and block to make sure the gaskets have not moved from where you put them. If the marks line up you are fine it not and more than 1/16" off, you may need to redo. You will need new gaskets. I autocross and road race. I was running a 452 motor for 8 years before going to a stroker kit of 482. No gasket failures, this is a hard abuse motor. Wish the rocker arm shafts and mounting bolts where as good without failures. CLEAN SURFACES is the most important thing about sealing any motor and tightening pattern. Run motor and recheck torque on bolts. Remember that this motor is a living,breathing, thing. Good luck, take your time, it's not a race. Make sure the angle are correct on the matching surfaces. Rick L.