Max you keep missing the point.
oil pump and the relief valve are together This is the key to understanding what we have tried to explain to U.
The relief is on the BEGINNING of the circuit NOT on the end of the circuit. The more resistance (hose, filter,
oil cooler, bearings,,,,,,,,) the more pressure will drop at each stage in circuit. The pump will reach its preset valve and that's it.......(unless you adjust or change the spring) (RESISTANCE is in the system otherwise you would not have
oil pressure!!!!!!!!)
Do you think 100wt oil will have the same flow characteristics as 0wt oil if your oil pressure gage reads THE SAME value with both oils?????(remember your gauge is not reading the end of the circuit). Try blowing a milk shake through a straw then try the same with water which one will flow better?????????? The pressure will be the same at the BEGINNING of the straw, but the flow and velocity will be much higher at the end of the straw with water. WHY??? Because there is NO REGULATION on the COMPLETION of the circuit.
Many factors will affect the pressure. Why do you think so many people have pressure and volume issues when they add oil coolers??? The standard (PRESSURE) Melling Pump was not designed to over come that much resistance (with the factory spring) and does not have the volume when the oil is hot and thins out.