Originally Posted by twobjshelbys
Yes, just connect the + to the + of one battery and the - to the - of the other. After hearing horror stories of people jumping across one of the batteries I've considered covering the two inside terminals so that they can't be touched.
No, no, no. That is a parallel connection. For two 6V batteries, you have to connect + (on battery 1) to - (on battery 2) then connect the charger to the - (on battery 1) and the + (on battery 2).
That is, if you are charging them with a 12V charger.
You do not want to charge a single 6V battery with a 12V charger.
Also note, a fully charged automotive battery contains 2.5V per cell. If you measure the voltage on a fully charged battery not connected to the electrical system, it should measure 15V.