You are lucky that you are running the stack type injection--if for instance you had an 180 degree manifold you would have killed cylinders 1, 6,7 also besides 4 because pieces would have transferred thru the intake to those cylinders--if you had been running an single plane you would have killed them all!!!
Now to answer the lash cap questions---the unit pressure on the rocker tip to valve is the most highly stresses area of a rocker arm engine. All the force to open the valve goes thru the tip of the rocker, and I am sure everyone will agree with that point. Secondly, the total tension load of the valve spring assy is trying to shear off the lock keeper at the valve groove ( what happened here) there are opinions about the strength of the 10* keepers vs 7* keepers as to if the groove holds the load vs the grip that the taper puts on the valve stem holds the load----However you want to see that fact is up to you, however , IF you use valve train componetry that uses lash caps for the rocker tip to operate against, they will push on the keepers which transfers the force to the retainer , which pushes on the valve spring and the valve in its self only sees pressure(force) when its in the area of valve lash!!!!In effect--once the rocker has taken up the valve clearance(lash) the valve is just along for the ride and has no force from the spring acting on it until the valve closes and the cam is in the lash area of the lobe.
Hope that explains it---lash caps have far more important duty than just correcting geometry.
Also---after 45 minutes of fun were you downshifting at too high of a speed and over revving the engine???rev limiters don't work in that situation
Also in addition to cleaning the
oil system components, you will need to clean the exhaust on that side because it undoubtible has trash in it now and reversion can reenter the engine thru the exhaust passages