Originally Posted by timsullivan
When I bring the car in and park it after running hard I'll get a teaspoon size drip running down the right front corner of my oil pan.
Tim, I'm willing to bet that you have some seepage from the water neck where the expansion tank bolts to the intake. Happens more times than you'd think. On a cold motor, or after idling for less than 30 seconds from a cold start, take a dry finger and reach in from the top and feel under that joint at the intake manifold. You will probably detect dampness. If so, disassemble and clean both flanges really well, then hit it with a fresh gasket and Permatex Ultra Black. After tightening, let it set for 24 hours before refilling the tank.
There are other procedures posted here that will give you clues on how to bleed the system (meaning that curing one problem can create another...a steam pocket that causes fluctuations in engine temp). The best way to burp the system is to loosen the water temp sender and bleed air from there.
I'd come down and help you but I'm out of town this week and next. Send me an e-mail if you have questions, as I don't post here much any more and I wanted to help you out.