Originally Posted by RestoCreations
I was just confused and did not put much thought into the tank. I actually was referring to the oil puke tank on the firewall, but simply did not realize that it was an oil puke tank. Is it a good idea to have one or just something else to look pretty in the engine compartment? Ive never heard of an engine having an oil puke tank.
The oil tank is typically not used anymore. It was where all the drivetrains oils vented to, but today, we use breathers on the engine on the valve covers, the trans has it's own and the Kirkham's provide the one for the rear, so I believe these days the guys who put them on probably do it for the original look and of course, you can make them functional too. I was going to put one on, but they were out of stock and then I did not feel like doing it later. But maybe one of these days.
In short, it's your call. If you want the look go for it.