Venom S - I am on my 3RD engine build in about 10 years for a street cobra using 460 stuff. This is what I found to work best on the street short of supercharging.
1st- best crank throw is a 4 1/2 incher, I am using a Howards with the chevy journal setup. Dependent on comp. ratio use the longest rod you can jam in there.
2nd- block, SVT, 4.5 in bore max. More than that on the thrust side you will get increased wear on street engines, esp. if you use a 6.8 rod like I had to.(try to use a 7in chev. rod if possible)
3rd-Cam, solid roller with .65 lift max. Try to spit the overlap of the race cam listings you see and increase the overlap by 2 degrees. Increase the duration on both sides a bit on the least wild cam you find in the listings. DO NOT run a .7 + lift cam on the street as I see commonlly listed by Crain , ETC. I Can't overstate this enough!
4th- Heads, Blue Thunder w/chevy ports and very minor head port work. Used the blue thunder intake. It gives more on the bottom end than a Victor Jr.
5th- for other guys reading this stuff, the blue thunder main girtle
for stock blocks is the best in the business. USE IT!
Last but not least- use a custom made
oil pan that has 4 way baffles on the street. I am using a Stefs pan but there is many folks out there that will build it. You will have to go this way if you use a main girtle anyway.
BTY- The ford svt block is a very good block for the street, just rememberthat it is slightly heavier than a stock iron block.