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Old 08-19-2010, 05:40 PM
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Originally Posted by John McMahon View Post
Just a cursory look through some boxes, I have a number of spares, some are on and some are not on the list.

- Tons of braided hose, AN 6, 8, 10. various red and blue AN fittings too.
- remote oil filter housing
- insulated brackets
- Moroso 2 gauge copper battery cable
- protective ribbed wire/hose covers
- MSD 6AL #6420 (used?)
- AC pedal covers
- HD eyelets for seat harnesses
- driveshaft safety hoop - Mustang

I've got a bunch of other stuff, not using it....barter system? trade items for cash for this project? Got a number of ARP bolts, stuff like that. Ed, if you can't use it here, maybe on something else, for all your effort on this guys can have it all.

Doug, I certainly feel for you...this insidious disease has been in my family for years...a project like this...finishing your car, will definitely help you in maintaining a good outlook, which is half the battle.

God Bless,
Thanks so much, John. Most of that can certainly be used. As I said to Mac, anything not used, would you mind if it's held in reserve to try to make this help network perpetual? I would really like to try to help others who find themselves in my position. I have no doubt that I will pull myself out of this hole in life that I seem to have dropped into, and I sure would like to be able to help others when that happens. Is that OK with you? I think Ed's address has been posted on this thread. Thanks so much, John. I remember seeing pics of your CCX 289 car, what a beautiful machine. You do outstanding work! I can't tell you how much I appreciate your kindness and generosity. I hope all your family members came out the far end of this journey well and are leading happy productive lives. That's certainly my goal, and you and all the members of our Cobra family who are so generously contributing to the car and their supportive words are going a ling way, longer than most of you realize, toward making that happen. Thank you, John, and my eternal thanks to all of you. What an amazing group of people we have assembled here.
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