Originally Posted by patrickt
Look, I found this for you: http://www.nhtsa.gov/cars/problems/e...tml#EVALUATION
Now, obviously, if a light is right directly in your field of vision that's better than if it's up, down, or to the side. But the most important aspect of the third light is that it's different to your mind. And btw, those six LEDs will put out over 33,000mcd of luminous intensity.
OK, I read until the 2nd word where it said "Government", then I stopped.
You know, I have no idea what 33,000mcd of luminous intensity means? I have nothing to compare it against. Are you sure you don't mean an "MGD" as in beer?
BTW, you must also know that I really don't care, I'm just giving you a hard time. G-d bless you, if you want to experiment with a 3rd brake light. As long as you don't mind us REAL Cobra owners in The Registry laughing AT you.
It's Friday!