Originally Posted by patrickt
I've missed you, Red. But I thought you vowed never to return? What happened?
I missed beating you up on your senseless babble. But, quite honestly, it got old having a battle of whits with an unarmed person. Plus I have a real life and have been on vacation this week just messing around with the free Wifi this resort has thrown at me. I will return to my regularly scheduled programming next week so that you can return to your pompous azz self (oh wait, your earlier remark already placed you there).
You mean all this time has passed and the mods haven't finally figured out why a fork-tongued loser like yourself should still have access privileges? I'm a bit disappointed.
I hope the seller of this lime SPF gets his money out of it. And I totally agree with Bill on the costs to re-do it right and still flip it for a few thousand. Bill, I would offer him $20K and see if he takes it. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.