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The idiot is you
madmaxx. Hey Max give your voice a rest. You have no idea about some things. There are anti pump up lifters. If you took the time to read and talk to tech people you would know this. Poor info again. Yes some of the tech people are not the shapest in some companies, but when you are paided 10-12.00 per hour, don't expect an engineer every time. Talking to KCR, Bylins, Barry R. for info is a plus, BUT they don't make a living off FREE info. It doesn't pay the bills. Rhodes used to make bleed down lifters for high lift camshafts to raise the vacuum in a motor and Cranes sell anti pump lifters with a different bleed orfice inside. It has damn little to do with the clip that holds the lifter togeather. A machined "C" clip is better than the wire chip that are on most lifters. There is a different between normal driving and racing. Rick L.
Last edited by RICK LAKE; 08-24-2010 at 04:03 AM..