Originally Posted by BT SNAKE
There ain't a damn thing wrong with the color of that car if it's what you like. Unless that Cobra has a serious defect then It will sell to someone like me who happens to like those type colors. Loud yellow with black stripes and nobody says diddly about that .
Sometimes I just don't understand this site. We all want to be different but there is always that faction of folks that is afraid to be so different that they may fall outside of the groups acceptable range. God forbid that happens. They might point and say derogatory things about my car. Oh the humanity. .
It's still a Superformance for Gods sake. Get over the color crap. I would buy it in a heart beat if I had the bucks right now. Sheesh !!
Here Here Hersh, I am with you, never be afraid to be different.
My cars current color (still in tinted primer) is fairly odd for a Cobra, but the final color is to be the bright yellow you mention.
Cruising in 5th
Never be afraid to do something new, Remember, Amateurs built the Ark: Professionals built the Titanic.