Originally Posted by madmaxx
I like the Mobil 15W50 also due to the high zinc and phosphorous, the problem lies in the fact with a 9 quart system it takes forever to get the oil warm enough for it to flow. When using 10W30 it pumps out of the rocker arm and fills the void with little overlfow. The majority of flow goes through the needle bearings in the rocker arm fulcrum instead of splashing over exactly where you want it. The 15W40 just overflowed the rocker arm with little going through the bearings. ........" .
interesting assertion. what data do you have to support it ?
btw, I'm currently using Mobil 1 15w-50 in my 289 with great results. Over 40,000 miles w/o any measurable wear. And have used it in many FE family engines ( 390, 428 & 427 ) over the years without any wear issues