Originally Posted by madmaxx
I started the engine with the valve covers off and witnessed the lubrication first hand. Yes it is very messy but also very convincing.
very interesting, but who are you going to believe... me, or your lying eyes. ha-ha.
re-reading your post "...The 15W40 just overflowed the rocker arm with little going through the bearings........" I think your conclusion can't be validated by your observation. i.e. there may be a quantity of
oil flowing from the rocker arm, but that doesn't preclude enough
oil getting into the bearings. In this case I think your eyes are not seeing the big picture. The amount of
oil actually lubricating the bearings is not something a visual examination can determine.
I still think there are other factors at work here, or more of us who are using Mobil 1 15w-50 would be having major problems.
Was the heavier viscosity oil you observed dino or