Jeri, thanks I found them on their web site. I am looking for the neck that has the threaded boss in the top where I mount an air bleed-off valve to make system filling easier. The NOS part runs for $80+ on flea bay. I may find a used OEM one and clean it and paint it.
This threaded boss was used for a vac switch back in the 70's. I'm using a ACCEL dist (DURASPARK) from Ford racing and clearance to the housing is not an issue for me. Tonight I measured the flange face warpage on the chrome Transdapt/Mr Gasket/Ford Racing neck. I have a new one to compare it to, and the leaking one with about 10 hours running time on it has a warped of 0.015" which was the cause of the leak. I have heard folks will mill or grind it flat again but it warps again after a while.