Originally Posted by patrickt
Rodney, I do both. But I also have pusher fans. So, I have the puller fan thermostatically controlled, but the manual override switch on the dash controls both the puller and pushers. It's a redundant set up, in case something fails on one it won't affect the other. All on circuit breakers that automatically reset. Being the anal nut that I am, I had to make a detailed post on it all. Here it is: Cool Modification - For Pusher Fans Only, Though
You puzzy.
One switch...lines to both relays, one for pushers and one for the puller. All or none.
Generally speaking, turn them on in May and turn them off in October.
My idea of backup...if one of the Lucas relays blow, I'll use the Lucas relay for the horns and just yell at everyone to get the hell out of my way.