Originally Posted by Tommy
In the absence of more information about your set up, I'm going to make some assumptions before offering some ideas. First I'll assume you have a gravity feed line from the fuel tank to the mechanical fuel pump. Second, I'll assume the fuel filter is between the fuel pump and the carburetors. If these assumptions are correct, and your fuel filter is dry when the problem occurs, then you are either not getting fuel from the tank to the pump, or the pump is bad. It should be easy enough to determine if fuel is getting to the pump by disconnecting the line at the pump and seeing if fuel flows freely from the line. (Be ready to catch the fuel and do this in an open area where spilled fuel won't cause a fire hazard). If fuel is flowing freely to the pump, then it sounds like time to get a new pump.
when the car is turned of if u have a fuel presur gauge check it , key it of turn pump on , very simple, if not do it your self.