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Yes you do, but I thought I answered the questions that would surely rise as well as possible. They would have assured me of the new "machining" when I called, but as they said; the new piece was already supposed to be in the works and would have been shipped to me in just a couple of extra needed days. I don't know what there supplier told them, or what the problem was in making the new piece. I can think of dozens of reasons why it took so long.
Lack of special steel, lack of something as simple as having the engineering plans finalized, machining work, CAD machine needing repair, who knows this is all a guess on my part, but the part is here!
PROBLEM NOW IS: Since I had to wait so long for the part to get here I had to go on with my working schedule. I wont lie or tell some "whopper" to try and buy time. I have CptEddie bringing his car in to be completely finished in a few weeks, I'm organizing a build (Donation wise for "767Jockey", (He has Cancer and can't finish his car-see main page), My son is getting married next weekend and for a wedding present I am rebuilding a 23' Carver Boat and trailer for his present, I had to have my Ford Master Tech come in here all week, pulled my wifes motor out of her Mountaineer all wheel drive and put a new motor in. (You can't begin to know what an experience this is unless you have done it!) Bobby-Mich. Tech said this was his first Mountaineer transplant & his last one! (Finished that project last night around midnight!)
And like so many of the Special Cobra specialist (If you allow me to put myself in that class?) I now work alone, no more 5 to 7 man crew to help out.
If you read this while thread was new you will see that I had to wait a short time for the OEM DOM Steel to come in which it has and setting here waiting to be transformed.
The Boat/Trailer is within days of being finished, the Mountaineer went out of here last night, the wedding will finally be done shortly and I will be able to finally devote full time on the Bars! I know some guys are actually being held up by not having the bars and this really is a lousy situation, but all I can say is that I am working as fast as I can and a 4AM start time with a 6PM or later finish time-7 days a week is about all I can handle anymore.
I truly feel sorry for the serious delay, been there hundreds of time over the years and I sure didn't like it either! I will get on these and finish them as soon as possible, but, I will not take any short cuts in my quality.
I had hoped NEVER to be part of the problem, but to be a part of the solution!
Thanks for listening and everyones tolerance to a busy and unexpected delay.
PS....Patrick, I know, I remember the Hell you have gone through trying to get your Cobra done, first Don, then....Terry, now Terry is allegedly being held up for the roll bars? Not much to go on but I WILL get your bars done as soon as possible. I am truly sorry that I have been contributing to your Delays!
Last edited by Double Venom; 09-13-2010 at 09:04 AM..