Hawkeye,my tranny is a stock tranny from a '90 LX mustang and today,I was explaining that to a Mustang specialist and he told me the same thing about the reverse grinding if trying to put it in gear from neutral. He said to put it in 5th and then reverse,it all made sense. This week end I will back off my throw out bearing (release bearing,whatever it's called) because right now it's compressing my pressure plate all the time probably making my clutch slipping at high speed when I punch it. I knew it wasn't right but it was the only way I could engage the reverse. Wow,you learn everyday with those cars,it's awsome. Still a couple of finishing touches to do,I'm always improving the car as the days go buy,it'll never be 100% completed. I have to drive to my painter alsoto decide a paint job,show him some colors that I like and how he's going to do it,very exciting,thanks for all the inputs guys !