Sorry to hear about your friend passing on. My wife Susan and I (I am Steven) lost our best friend Boris on the last night of 1995..he was a purebred rottie, pup of a working police dog on the sheriffs dept in El Dorado county, CA, and top of the pack anywhere he went. Whole street gangs would part like the red sea when Susan would take him for a walk alone...LOL
He was as nice a guy with helpless animals and children, as any golden retriever, but a terror to the baddies. What a guy, my Susan's first bodyguard, and I suspect she loved him more than me
He lived to 10 years, and had the best life we could give him. He was a hero, saving our home from burglers several times, and making my Susan safe at home and when she walked him, for almost 10 years. He got bone cancer in a back leg joint, and we foolishly tried chemo after the leg was amputated. He was able to hop around well until the chemo did him in. We since have learned that chemo is especially hard on animals with short lifespans, and to humans too. Natural healing is the best way, especially preventative herbal suppliments and right diets. Regular dog food will not do for high powered dogs like rotties. they need vitamin mineral suppliments like Dynamite, and additional fresh protein such as cooked ground meat. No artificial preservatives, they are terrible for the fast metabolism of dogs and cats.
We now have Clovis (5) and Romana (8) They should live longer than Boris because of all that we have learned.
I consider it one of the greatest mistakes of our Maker (He has not made many
to have given dogs such a short life, and allow parrots and some bad humans to live to 80
Maybe there is a purpose in this, to teach us something...?
Susan and I expect to be reunited with our passed on pets, when we gain eternal life. They do have a distinct spirit, which is different than ours, but real. Spirits sleep until the resurrection, and I see no reason why the spirits of the pets of believers will not be saved as well. There are scriptural hints that those who are true believers and doers of the word will at that time receive blessings beyond understanding.
Hope the rest of you have your relationship with our Maker straightened out so you can have that same joy.
Hersh, anyone who loves dogs is OK with me