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Old 09-28-2010, 04:27 AM
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Once again,
So this " WRONG INFORMATION" is not continued on without pause, ALL of the mentioned CMC companies, REGARDLESS of the latest names, ARE owned by the same individual! Yes, they did get better as far as supplying parts once the Fed. Gov. forced them to supply all parts within a certain time frame.

People do the research, don't depend on "Hearsay" as written in this post including my posts. Get the hardcore information for yourself! personally fixed every frame we had from "them", fixed ever body panel we ever worked on. Here's an example: Every '34 Ford we built, (Classics by Elite, inc.- 1972/1997) that was from CMC, etc. had to have major work done to at least one of their doors. I.E.; finally getting the doors to hinge to the body, the bottom of the door ALMOST closed right but window frame was so moulded out of shape a guy could stick his hand in the car up to his elbow with the door closed!

I could repeat a horror story told to me (real hearsay evidence) by one of the
Kit Car editors, (Name with Held to protect the editor) That relayed information to me about a personnel inspection he did of "the" company AFTER they Improved! With their invitation!

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