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Well, I have made it to Townsville.
I have managed to stay dry and safe and all is going well.
The long drive has told me I need to relocate my pedals deeper into the foot well and cruise control may get fitted before the return trip.
Travelled 1165kls on day one, average speed on GPS said 128kph (130 zone in NT) and I used 146 litres over that distance, so just under 8 klm's per litre, I have not done the sums yet but when I hit the QLD border the limit dropped to 110 - 100 and fuel economy improved maybe 1klm per litre.
Pics to follow when I reach Innisfail.
Catching up with some Townsville guys tomorrow morning.
Cruising in 5th
Never be afraid to do something new, Remember, Amateurs built the Ark: Professionals built the Titanic.