Thanks Red Snake.
I’m over the betrayal.
As for my Grandkids, I out maneuvered them. I told them I was going to give them my Cobra when I get too old to drive it. But as long as THEY don’t like it, I will give it to the kids next door. My Granddaughter never missed a beat; she smiled sweetly and said,
Give it to me Grandpa!! I like it! She will go far in this world. Her Dad won’t be so easy to snow.
It is going to be a LONG winter with a lot of nights spent on just how to smoke the “Yellow Banana” Gad that thing is fast. Oh yeah, I have to do it on the cheap! Retired you know. Maybe McDonalds is looking for help.
Fries with that supercharger sir???. Catsup in your traction loc????