I am NOT a fan of ol' Shel.....think he's a liar and a con-artist who had a good idea, although not an original one, as people were doing engine swaps LONG before Shelby dreamed up the idea of putting a small Ford V-8 into a Brittish sports car. However, without Shelby's "dream" and con-man work to get that first one to Iacocca, there would never have been that "yes" answer.
I hate to give credit for ANYTHING to Shelby, wish he and his lawsuits against various replica manufacturers and associated websites would just GO AWAY (that's a nicer way to put it than "Eat #### and Die", isn't it?), but in this case IMHO he deserves the credit for putting the effort into the whole sham--turned out pretty well for him, didn't it?
Cheers from Dugly