Considering the recent direction of the threads here in the Arizona group I should start by saying this has NOTHING to do with my consumption of Coors Light and Jack Daniels.......
So the car is coming along slowly, but there is one more issue I am now noticing. When taking the car in town for a longer drive to run errands I do a lot of stop and go driving. Naturally the motor and engine bay begins to heat up. After 20 or 30 minutes of driving hot the engine develops a stumble. It remains drivable at lower RPM's, although it does want to stall when idling. My thoughts are
1) Vapor lock develops as the heat builds up in the engine bay and the fuel lines are getting hot or perhaps the heat transferred from the block to the mechanical fuel pump is eventually causing pump issues.....
2) A vacuum leak is developing between the iron block and the aluminum intake manifold as they heat up. Perhaps a bad gasket? The carb and phenolic plate have all new gaskets, but I won't rule these out as a possibility.
3) Maybe the timing chain is worn and as it gets heated up it stretches out even more causing a timing issue.
After the car cools down (parked for a couple of hours) it runs great again, and will stay running great for short drives. This only happens when things start getting really hot, or when the car is driven for an extended period of time. Any opinions, thoughts or advice on where to start would be greatly appreciated.