Yeah Sue and i plan on being there.
We will skip the turkey testicle thang though.... I' sure you understand...
If not this will explain it to you;
The apparatus of the male turkey consists of two parts: the Phallus nonprotrudens, composed of the paired Corpora phallica lateralia and Plicae lymphaticae, and the paired Corpora vascularia paracloacalia. The Corpus vasculare paracloacale receives its vascular supply and drainage from the Arteria (A.) and Vena (V.) pudenda interna, respectively, and its innervation from the Nervus pudendus internus. During stimulation lymph produced in the Corpora vascularia paracloacalia rapidly flows through the lymph sinuses into larger lymph channels located in the Phallus nonprotrudens producing tumescence. With detumescence, the lymph flows cranially from Phallus nonprotrudens into the Vasa lymphatica pudenda interna, which parallels the A. and V. pudenda interna.

You got it now?

The older I get, the faster I was........
So now I'm so fast apparently I appear to be standing still.