Just purchased Superformance MKIII which has a 428CJ.
Just talked to the engine builder yesterday, he says the engine has everything done to it and i guess still run on pump gas?
Built 5 years and 7K miles ago, alum heads, intake, waterpump and flywheel.
Internaly balanced, ported, port matched, melling
oil pump, 10.6 to 1 I think.
Oh yes and solid lifter flat tappet cam about as big as you would ever want for street i guess.
The quistion is, it has always run Pennsoil 50 wt racing
oil and he says don't change to anythink else?
I'm not real fond of Pennsoil, cannot find anything close by except Valvoline racing V-1 or something?
I have an old Bluebird that uses 40W rotella and was wondering how that compares to racing