Originally Posted by mrmustang
Can you describe the scratches a little more, can you feel them with your fingernail? Are they similar to a swirl mark, or are they straight? Different solutions to different scratches, some require nothing more than a swirl remover (ultra fine polishing agent), while others may require wet sanding with 2,000 grit and repolishing.......Can you take a few pictures and post them up?
Bill S.
I ordered Z-PC, Z-5 and Z-2. Bill - most of them you cant feel although in one spot if you rub your finger across it you can (the bad one is 3" long and the width of 2 match heads, not deep) . I took a picture I think its attached. Based on what I read, I am planning on using the z-5 first. If that doesnt do the trick I will use the Z-PC. Im in no hurry, I want to do it right. If I should do it another way Im all ears.