ray humbel a power and ground wire to the back of the car. If you have a full trunk with rugs or metal, the most common is putting a screw in the wrong spot and getting this over time. The vibration has worn a hole in the insulator and you have a short. There are kits for finding shorts, I have never had much luck with them. The easiest way to find a short, AND I DON'T RECOMEND THIS is to bypass th fuse and run direct power to re bulbs and switchs. use them and have your finger on the wires, if you feel one get hot quick you found the bad wire. You can get burnt doing this. If the wire is just nicked it will burn the wire touch ground and burn away. The system will work again until the wire moves toward the ground contact spot.
If you have an ohm meter and get luicky you can unhook each wire and ohm it out. to ground. You will need to unhook the battery to do this. Ground of the frame to each wire going to the back of the car. If one pops up with resistance you found the winner. If they are all out of range or open to ground, you still have a problem. Talk to Shebly and see if they are having a short in the harness or rub some where. Rick L. Ps this is why mechanic get 2-8 hours for tracking wiring problems at dealerships and garages. This is the worst job to do and find the problem, gutting the whole interior to find a short. Some or easy, some are hard, work slow and have good eyes, 2 pair are even better. If all else falls, power up the harness and watch for smoke,
you will find the spot and run a new wire.