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Now it has been two years ago a member of this club offered to prepare a pair of primary metering blocks with removable idle jets made from brass set screws with verry small holes (as I remember about .019"). I installed the same main jets as before. He later sent me a drilling fixture that he had made for me to drill additional screws that I could use as replacements to acheivethe desired results. I bought more screws from Mcmaster Carr. I went on line (ebay and bought a selection of micro bits in a set, in the range I'd be using).
On my last trip to the state emmission testing station, before I did any of this. My cruise seemed fine , almost down to the state standard. It was the idle that was way off. Almost 11 times the state standard for unburnt Hydro Carbons . My garage just reaked at startup of raw gas.. The new primary metering blocks improved my garage thing. I haven't done anything further yet. The carbs allready have the Quick Fuel metering plates in the secondaries. I absolutely have to use the choke to get it lit and keep using the choke in decreasing amounts untill the engine is completely is warmed up. It seems to be just on the edge at take off. I have to give a little throttle or the engine will try to stall and has. I have lost a little more of my low RPM umph. Noticable in the parking garage. But my garage isn't as fowl at atart up.. In cold weather starting gets worse. But I don't drive much in ther cold weather. I wanted to get the exhaust sniffed before I do anything more. I have a friend with a motis that would sniffed it in his driveway. The thing has been either the weather was bad or he or I were doing something. He works M-F untill 3PM and I work M-T untill 5PM. Frday my wife and I usually go to the movie , that leaves Sat and or Sun. Now the weather has changed for the worse.
Mike H
Last edited by Michael C Henry; 10-16-2010 at 03:52 PM..