I've had my 482 running on a test stand for a total of about 6-8 hours. The first time I changed the
oil, it reaked of gasoline. The
oil at the bottom of the pan was black. After that first
oil change, I pulled the heads for another reason, and there was no sign of a head gasket or intake gasket problem. Another oil change after another few hours of running showed the same problem.
My fuel injection system has been extremely rich. Perhaps an overly rich condition washed down the cylinders and prevented proper ring seating? I can't think of another explanation.
I'm going to tear down the motor, check the bearings and re-ring it...possibly hone the cylinders if necessary.
Can anyone think of other reasons why oil would be grossly contaminated with combusion products/gas? Like I said, when I pulled the intake and heads, there didn't appear to be any leaks.
Thanks for any ideas.