I accessed their chart, funny it appears dead on with my results. A high volume Melling has the output of 4.0 gpm at 2K rpm, 8 at 4k RPM flat lines after 4K, now their chart did not specify viscosity or operating temp but I would guess 10W30 at 100C. As far pressure drop across filter, alot of nothing is nothing, hell we get more pressure drop across the
oil cooler!!!!!!!! If we want to eliminate pressure drop loose the cooler, i block mine off in the winter.
I like the Oberg filter but IMHO there is no return on investment. The difference between 2 psig and 5 psig is irrelavant. I have so many other ineffeciencies with my car I could never reliaze the benefit. For example the tool adding weight in my trunk next to my amp etc.