Originally Posted by mkassab
What’s my options at this point?
I would just ignore the marks that are on your balancer now and instead attach a pointer in an easily viewable spot. Then just draw a line on your balancer that lines up with TDC for that pointer (by using a piston stop). Then measure your circumference of your balancer and draw another line on the balancer at the degree BTDC that you generally set your timing at with high RPM (for me, that's 35 degrees BTDC). Then set your timing right on that line, test it out, set it a little bit before that line, test it out, set it a little after that line, and test it out. You'll soon find your optimum spot. You could then add another line, or just make a mental note that you set your timing at 3500RPM just "a hair past the red line on the balancer." The numbers don't really matter since it's your car.
How big an issue are slipping balancers?