Interesting bit of gear!
Here are the instructions:
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-Install on airline nipple to the Verturi assembly, 1/4” NPT.
-Minimum shop air requirement: 90 PSI (6.2 bar)
-Shop air should have an air dryer system.
-For best results, radiators should be empty.
-Heater control should be set to the heat position.
-Ignition may need to be turned to “ON” position).
-Periodically lubricate tool’s threads.
1. Insert tool into radiator service neck or reservoir tank. Use appropriate rubber adapters. Rad neck adapter should fit snug in opening,
IMPORTANT: When using the smallest rubber adapter, do not bump the assembly as it may result in loss of vacuum.
2. To seal the Rad neck adapter, tighten the knurl knob by turning it clockwise until snug.
IMPORTANT: Do not hold Rad neck adapter by the vacuum gauge.
3. Connect the Venturi assembly to the Rad neck adapter. Make sure the ball valve is open.
4. Connect shop airline to the Venturi assembly. You will start hearing a hissing noise and the vacuum gauge will begin rising. (If coolant system is not empty, Venturi body hose may spit out some coolant, thus reducing efficiency).
5. Allow system to reach 24-26 on gauge. (This will take less than a minute).
NOTE: Radiator hoses may start to collapse. This is normal due to vacuum draw.
IMPORTANT: Some radiator overflow hoses may need to be clamped off to obtain vacuum.
6. When gauge reaches the desired 24-26, close ball valve and disconnect the air supply and Venturi assembly from Rad neck adapter. After 20 seconds, the gauge should not move indicating the cooling system has no leaks.
7. Connect the refill hose to the Rad neck adapter. Place screened end into the coolant supply of your choice. Open the ball valve and the coolant will start to fill the vehicle cooling system. Cooling system is full when vacuum gauge reaches zero. On some vehicles, a second vacuum may be necessary.
NOTE: For best results, place the coolant supply at the same height of Radneck adapter. If coolant level runs too low, it will pull air into the cooling system, thus defeating the goal of filling to the proper level. Always draw from more coolant than required. On remote pressurized tank, it is advised to stop filling when proper level is reached.
8. Remove Rad neck adapter from radiator by turning the knurl knob counterclockwise.
NOTE: Overflow tanks should be filled to proper level. Always allow cooling system to warm up before attaching radiator cap. Top up cooling system if necessary.
Possibly easier to do than it sounds, I hope!
Interesting concept, though - pull all the air out by creating a hard vacuum in the cooling system, then admitting water without letting the air back in.
Let us know if it really works!