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Old 11-07-2010, 07:20 PM
madmaxx madmaxx is offline
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Your boring too!!!! Lets see what happens start suking!!! Just pull the temp sending unit and bleed and go drive.

Originally Posted by olddog View Post
To totally eliminate the air you would have to pull 1 atmosphere of vacuum, which, if memory serves me, is about 29 inches of mercury. I wonder if they mean 24-26 inch of mercury. That would seem to me to be very hard to do with a venturi, but I guess possible. If they are talking 24-26 inches of water (anything short of an atmosphere), it would fill the radiator, but it would not eliminate air pockets in the engine.

I would be a bit concerned that the water pump seal would be damaged at an atmosphere of vacuum. Vacuum would be a pressure in the exact opposite direction that the seal is designed to work. Can a radiator tube take 14.7 lb of force pressing on it from the outside? What about the radiator tanks? Most tanks that can hold lots of pressure will collapse with a vacuum in them.

Lots of bad things can happen it this world. It might work, but I would want to know more.
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