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Old 11-13-2010, 06:09 AM
blykins blykins is offline
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I get a lot of questions about whether or not Centerforce clutches are worthwhile.

I've never been a Centerforce clutch fan. Their major selling point is that they use a diaphragm pressure plate which has light pedal pressure. Centerforce basically buys stock replacement diaphragm pressure plates and then adds counterweights to them. The thinking here is that the counterweights will add extra clamping force at higher rpms. However, the counterweights cause a lot of issues with light cars and most Cobra owners/dealers end up removing the counterweights.

When you remove the counterweights, you're going right back to a stock replacement pressure plate with the performance of.........a stock replacement pressure plate. Even their "DF" kit (which is basically a gimicked name for dual friction) with the counterweights, will not support the horsepower and torque that most Cobra engines are making.

It is really hard to beat a good 11" Long style pressure plate and this is what I end up recommending for a lot of Cobra drivetrains. Customers often worry about pedal pressure, but with a correctly designed hydraulic clutch setup and an equally matched clutch disc, pedal pressure is normally not a problem.

A good 11" McLeod pressure plate with a dual friction (organic/bronze or organic/Kevlar) will support 550hp as will a RAM Powergrip clutch kit (with RAM being a lot less expensive than the McLeod). The RAM Powergrip HD will support in excess of 650hp. I would not trust a Centerforce kit for anything over 450-475hp and if you're there or a little under that rating, there are a lot less expensive choices.
Lykins Motorsports, LLC
Custom SBF/Cleveland/FE/385 Series Engines
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