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Old 11-14-2010, 01:59 PM
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Originally Posted by Double Venom View Post
Not to worry!
Rick did an A+ job of delivering "Doug's Toy". Not a scratch, wrapped like a new born baby! Mrs. DV, Bobbie, (Our ACE Ford tech.) myself and Rick got his Toy unloaded and in the shop without a hitch!

Rick looked a little whipped, naturally, but couldn't be talked into staying the night or even getting something to eat. He left home the night before at mid-night and finally left my shop, again at mid-night, leaving Doug's Toy in my care. A little dusty but yet still a beautiful Blue,(with white stripes).

I'll try and get busier and get some pictures posted! All down hill from here!

A lot more to come.
Whoa! What did I miss here, I thought this was happening tomorrow! Wow, you mean it's already done!Wow, I can't believe that Rick got it over there already. Rick, you're amazing! I can't believe the fuse is officially lit on this thing and it's all about to begin, I'm in shock - a wonderful, pleasantly surprised shock. Rick Lake, I have no words to thank you. You're one amazing guy.
DV, the patient is all yours now! I can't wait to see the progress. As I come home from my daily radiation treatments (starting in aprox. 4 weeks) they tell me I'm going to be sick as a dog. This will surely ease the pain as I watch the car progress. All of you who have played a role in this, I am just awestruck by your generosity and kindness, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. No one has EVER done anything like this for me, ever. Thank you all SO very much. I'm just amazed by all this still, and will be forever. Thank you all, to an amazing group of people. Thank you.
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