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I didnt know about the kirkham then or I would of went that way for about the same money. My roller ended up at $65K with pretty much all the options except for stripes so that same car would be $75K now as a roller. Most of the rollers I have seen advertised have options addded to them so I would suspect most of these new rollers are going to be higher than $59995. More power to them if they can sell at that price but to me it is like pricing your house $10000 higher to compensate for a bad economy. Doubt they will have people lining up to pay extra in a bad economy unless there is extra value.
I love my car but if I had to do it over again I would do that KMP to get the alum. I have kicked myself for not going csx alum as I could of had one for under a $20K difference. I understand now it is a $40-50K difference.