Originally Posted by patrickt
I submit that if someone would pay the same price, if purchasing the property, right after the skid marks were applied, then there was no loss of value, and hence, no damages at all. What purchaser is going to say "Ahh, with those skid marks in the parking lot my purchase offer is now $10k less."
Thank you for coming to my aid Patrick ...I think I (we) rest our case ...Give it a rest buddy your out to lunch! if you want to get into semantics then fine... your right! ...still a stupid post!
FINE I give, Redmt... your right ..the jerk who maliciously put those terrible black marks on that property which didn't belong to him is totally in the wrong.
EVERYONE don't ever let your tires make a mark on any public or private roadway cause if you do! someone will come mark your car with a marker !
The fact is ......everyone here knows right from wrong...and your stupid post was just that ...STUPID .....ever roll through a stop sign? better get some better mufflers on your car big guy ...noise bylaws? ...my point was that he was very smart about what he did and learned a valuable lesson as every other post pointed out ...the fact that you p[pointed out that it was wrong and illegal is a joke! we all know it was wrong... but what is "wrong" really? Wrong is driving like a jerk in your cobra down a public road or highway endangering lives! THAT he completely avoided, and for that I say GOOD JOB BUDDY !