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I am West Coast Cobra
My name is Vern and I am West Coast Cobra. This site was refered to me by one of my customers.
The agreement using this forum is that we are suppost to be truthful. I have discovered that some people missuse this site. I have just read (one particular individual) who proclaims to be an expert by being in the business a short time. Try getting your facts straight. Why do you not have any pictures posted of your work?
The West Coast car he refered to using side marker lights proves to me that the car was from the 70's or 80's, that is over 12 years old. We first had side marker lights because we took the percautions to meet the treat of government regulations that would require it. The regulation ended up as long as you could see the light from the side, it was acceptable.
FACT: as far as the roll bar being 4", it was never that size. We wanted 2 1/2" but we could not find anyone that had the bending dies with a sharp enough radius, so we went with a 3" until 14 years ago when we started using only the 2 1/2". Why we chose to use a full roll bar is because you should be more interested in your passanger's safety than you own.
The rear end hitting the frame: our rear end does not hit the frame even over a sever bump. The only way that this could happen is if someone had a better idea and changed the rear springs replacing them with weaker springs or someone wanted to lower the rear and used shorter ones. The car refered to was over 12 years old and it could be possible that the springs on this car needed to be replaced but this is not normal.
I will be keeping an eye on this site from time to time, and this is a message to everyone, try use this site for what it was intended.
You have my e-mail address and web site so you know how to contact me directly to verify any information on this site about our cars.