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Thanks for the input Rick.
When i bought my new wiring harness from Haywire i asked to have a adjustable time delay wired into the electric fan and electric water pump so i can let them run after i shut the car off - up to 0-1 minute for extra cooling. The relays and wiring are new and up to the task of about anything i throw at it. As for a fan - I was debating on buying a new radiator\fan combo but that cost a chunk of cash because everything for my car has too be custom made. My car is not one of the name brand cars that i can just call someone and order up-graded parts. Wish it was. So right now I'm going with a fan and we will see what happens. It don't get very hot here in Wisconsin. Now if i still lived in Louisiana it would be a different story. Thanks for the knowledge and any other fan and\or radiator recommendations are welcome.