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Old 11-27-2010, 03:27 PM
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Location: Pentwater, Mi
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OK, Everyone that has called me, written me, emailed me until now since my E-mail quit working today, (?) has felt all along that you have been trying to somehow back out of selling your car.

Maybe the case, maybe not?

MCO- As you should know since two, but maybe just one Cobra I built for a guy here in Michigan never did get his MCO from Don, You have met the guy and his car IS registered as a 2004, 1965 Ford 2dr REPLICA. MICHIGAN DOES NOT REQUIRE AN MCO NOR DO THEY EVEN WANT TO SEE IT IF YOU HAVE ONE. So WHAT "IS TO BE SEEN?"

Read the Michigan Department of Rules and Regulations/Department of Motor Vehicles Revised Code or even make a phone call to The Honorable Jeniffer Granholm, Governor or maybe the States Attorney Generals Office to find out yourself.

Now all that stuff that you mentioned, you forgot two used flat screens too. You bought the roll bar bender so I could make YOUR FOUR POINT which my cost just just under the cost of the bender. I could go on for pages that have been done and never reported on building your car and pieces multiple times after your changed your mind. Never mind the hours that I paid to have a electronics expert come in and try to figure out why your remote system was "junk"- his words not mine, then removing it all and running 99.5% of your wiring INTO the frame rails, making your special front cross member to fit in front of your engine to hold all the options you wanted to add.

Making you a special GAS TANK PICK UP (That may or may NOT be leaking?) for your special motor so it would never run dry regardless of the "Course" unless you ran out of fuel!

Not top mention hours of modifying your "Serpent Express Trailer" ramps so the ramps would not come off loading and unloading your car---WHICH THEY DID-Damned near tore the nose off your car the first time they were used! Very,Very Lucky I was able to get the car off the trailer without falling!

But then of course, modify and reinforce the Serpent Express to properly install a winch in the nose of the floor.
All of this and so much more was time that I was blamed for taking too long on your car!

Honestly I didn't expect a thing extra from any of that stuff. I honestly felt all the extra things I DID to your Cobra easily cancelled out the parts/tools you supplied (To work on YOUR car).

Guess not. Just so "They" know I NEVER ASKED FOR ANY OF IT! Please feel free to openly correct me if I am wrong!

Ok, I'll let you have it your way, I, obviously in your opinion did not give you a fair shake, so; I WILL PULL THE MOTOR AND TRANSMISSION FOR ABSOLUTELY FREE!
Your the one that POSTED that you would pay to have the motor pulled, I guess I didn't count. No problem!

To bad so many people that watched this "BURNABLE COBRA" including George Lamp, Mrs. DV, Tom Larson, and hundreds if not thousands of people looking over every move I made on this car AND DOCUMENTED On THIS WEB SITE, are "salivating" for it!

Mr. Ferguson, as far as I'm concerned once YOU posted the above post it has been "PENNED IN INK!" and LEGALLY SO. It may NOT be EBAY but by LAw it does not have to be. Being in Chicago I'm sure you have Internet Attorneys that can confirm. I have met your demands and I will have the CASH in hand before you even remove the car from the trailer!

All the car has to meet is it is in the same shape that it was when it left my shop.

This is obviously what you wanted, and now you have got it on your terms. I'm sorry this thing has indeed gotten dirty, not my wishes, but it obviously is done and I have come up with the best solution I know how.

As you well know PENTWATER, MICHIGAN has beautiful homes from acres and acres of secluded forest property, to multi-million dollar homes on the "Lake". Give me the word and I can put you in touch with some very good REALTORS!

TIME WISE: A FULL 7 day week to pull your motor and transmission. That's it. Hotel, two trips, camping out, buying a home is up to you!

Oh and by the way, I never ONCE asked you for anything extra! NEVER. I did tell you if you wanted a four point I needed a bender and parts. The "I-Pod" was a total surprise when it came in the mail, thank you again. The Laptop was a used one along with the screens you had in a "Closet" and that I was welcome to them especially since they were better than anything I had. Again, Thank you! Camera, wow, I had one that quit right after you brought your car in. You supplied me the camera so I could take all those pictures of your car. Of course I have used it for personal reason too and once again I Thank You. "Power Probe" never heard of the thing until you walked into the shop and handed me one! And once again I Thank You.

Enough is enough, this is ready to be put to bed. Up to you..........
Just give me notice when and that I have enough time to get to the Bank and back. Any particular denominations?

DV in Full.

Last edited by Double Venom; 11-27-2010 at 03:34 PM.. Reason: 7:31 P.M. EST. 11-27-1O
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