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Both mountings are by the book and look fine! The LEFT arm IS a fraction to long though.
The arm should NOT be touching the flat section of the mounting plate. (Sets up 'rithemic' Vibration" that can crack the windshield.
Angle: The windshield is mounted correctly (as designed over the OEM Cobras). It is built this way to allow the wind to slide off the windshield to the side. IF it is square to the body it stands a 99% chance of oscillating at speeds over 60 mph.
If you ever find a CR's Brochure you can see the windshield in the photo is mounted at an angel, being closer to one wiper arm post than the other!*
Now the windshield arms are NOT meant to be bent to fit the cowl bar! IF the posts are an 1/8th" inch or more away from the cowl, you MUST use shims to take up the gap. Do NOT pull the arms in tight to the bar, your windshield WILL eventually crack if you/someone has.
The thing you have to remember these are not OEM, 75 ton Pressed/stamped parts! It is a mould of fiberglass and the body is NOT symmetrical!
You can go through a lot of work and trouble mounting the Windshield perfectly square, BUT it is NOT made this way!
One last thing, not being positive in your pictures, the fiberglass holes in the body MUST NOT touch any portion of the fiberglass! An 1/8th" is a minimum clearance. The arms will cause the fiberglass to crack if they are in touch over time!
* You CAN grind out the windshield wiper mounting holes so both wipers are set the same distance from the windshield but care and measuring is absolute! If you go to far the transmissions of the wiper arms will contact the cowl bar making a horrible noise and making it almost if not an absolute impossible to re-mount the 'transmissions'. I have found if you want to make these equal, grind one hole a little back one forward until they match. Then refill each hole with a fiberglass body filler.
Last edited by Double Venom; 11-29-2010 at 04:40 AM..