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Originally Posted by Excaliber
Like all other replica's if you were to use the strict definition of the word, a Shelby CSX glass series car would not qualify, nor would any glass replica. A few alloy body Shelbys are contenders, most being based on the Kirkham. Certainly the McCluskey examples (notably the Completition series cars), would qualify. Some of the early Kirkham's would also come close, or be spot on, to a strict definition of the word, "replica".
OK, I'll disagree on this one. The aluminum bodied Kirkham and Kirkham-built CSX cars would belong in the same category as the glass-bodied cars because of the manufacturing process (stamped aluminum). The closest to a true replica of the originals (by the definition above) would be the rolled alloy cars in the CSX1000 series. And they are beautiful.
Last edited by twobjshelbys; 11-30-2010 at 10:19 AM..