Originally Posted by BBQCYCLEWERKES
That's a shame your boss has that mind set on the build. I just hope he represents the vehicle for what it really is and doesn't crush the hopes and dreams of a possible new member to this forum. It looks like you are doing the best you can to make this as quality a build as you can under the situation. Keep up the good work. Keep us informed and keep the pictures coming.
I know, we had a "meeting" at the shop the other day and my boss asked what are goal is at the shop, and I spouted out build quality cars, and he said NO it's to make money for the shop. If I didn't need the money I would just quit. he really gets on my nerves. Any body know of a place looking to hire an ASE certified mechanic for 15 bucks an hour? My boss told me it doesn't have to drive good it just has to look good, cuz he's gunna sell it on Ebay. I told him that aint going to fly with me. I told him any vehicle associated with me is going to be right, he's not very happy with that but I don't really care lol. One thing thats cool about my boss is that he buys what ever I want to build. I told him I wanted to build a model A ford hot rod and he bought one for me to build then I finished that and I told him I wanted to build a cobra he said ok and he got one for me to build lol