Cobra 29 Drain the gas. You have a drain plug in the bottom of the tank on the right side. Jack up the car to give yourself room to side under it. Pull rear wheels. Return line is in the back corner of the car inside fender well. Camp and small rubber hose. The other one you have to drop the tank. Watch out to n ot damage white wire for tank gauge. I use the floor jacke a 3 pieces of junk 2X6- 2-8" Measure the tank and cut to length. Need about 4 pieces of 2X4 to screw this togeather. Mark center with the hole just big enought to have the jack head fit in square. Jack this up, remove 8 bolts and let down slowly. Unhook other line and you can drop to bottom of jack. Roll out of way and you are good to go. Have someone help when dropping, it's not the weight. Don't forget to unhook lines for the filler tube to tank. I need to replace both fuel lines myself this year from new gas eating away at the rubber lines of 14 years inside the tank. I have 2 fuel pumps for the FI system. Good luck, not hard to do, take your time. Used philps screw driver as alignment tool to bget tank back in car. Start bolts in 2-3 thread and get all in before tightening all. I used allen heads. Found they are easier in tight places to get in and out. Important, Use blue loc-tite on all tank bolts. This will stop any from coming loose. Yes I have seen a fuel tank fall out of a cobra at a trck by me, not a pretty sight but funny. Driver didn't know until, track crew pulled up and asked what happened. He said he ran out of gas. Gauge reads "E" and I just filled it. Crew guys got a laugh and said we just found this on the side of the track, could this be yours???

Looked under car, we have a winner.

No damage and gas tank was OK. Car now has a better strap system to hold tank. Rick L. You can chop up a pallet to build this too. I used to go with a single piece of 2X8". Pain to balance by self, this is alot easier. Stands up in garage when needed again or put out to curb or burnt for heat. It doesn't go to waste.