Not Ranked
If you're not going as a bidder you will have access to all of the car staging areas and vendor display areas. The Scottsdale auction is set up at Westworld and it is huge. With the auction area and seating area being the center, the best cars are in the tent to the south (I think I have the directions correct). The vendor area is at the other side of the center area.
More than half of the cars are in tents outside.
If you're a car nut it will take you the better part of two days to walk and gawk at all of the cars. I take lots of pictures and I've always needed three days to get good shots of all the interesting things.
The cars inside the primary display area are blocked off by ropes. You can't get close to them at all. If you cross over expect one of the BJ security folks to challenge you. If the owner is present he can invite you over the line. Many but not all will be there. If not you can ask at the key area to be allowed in. (Don't bother with any of this if you don't have a bidder badge. Just taking pictures isn't enough of a reason.)
If you have a bidder badge you can also get access to the auction block. Most cars are only visible "opened up" - hood up, doors/windows open, etc while on the way to the block and on the block itself unless you're able to find the owner. Again, no tall owners are present. If the owner isn't present follow the car through the staging area outside where they clean and polish. The driver will most often at least let you look inside and let you hear the engine run. They probably won't open the hood.
I won't be going this year - too busy in January.