Pretty much all of the
oil pans will clear the stroker cranks with no problem. Windage trays are a nice deal for splash control under acceleration, but do not add any power - at least on the dyno. I generally install them in customer engines as a form of insurance.
The Canton try will clear the strokers, the Ford tray might need some gentle tweaking, the old Moroso tray hits everything but has been redesigned and might be OK now. The Milodon tray will hit the box it's shipped in unless trimmed a bunch - they are aware and should be making changes.
Most tray need clearancing around the various
oil pump pickups and many need to have dipstick clearance added as well - check BEFORE intalling the pan....I've seen dipsticks curl up against the tray and hit the crank.
I prefer the Moroso pans for insexpensive T types - The color is easier on the eyes, and both the fit and welding seems better than the Canton stuff. The Aviad is very correct and a nice piece as well.
Survival Motorsports
"I can do that....."
Engine Masters Challenge Entries
91 octane - single 4bbl - mufflers
2008 - 429 cid FE HR - 675HP
2007 - 429 cid FE MR - 659HP
2006 - 434 cid FE MR - 678HP
2005 - 505 cid FE MR - 752HP